Cupping is an ancient Traditional Chinese Medicine technique to loosen tight muscles,
bring better circulation and blood flow to those areas of concern.
Cupping helps to alleviate soreness and assists in releasing tight fascia from the muscle. (Fascia is the collagen-like sheath webbing that encases all muscles of the body).
By creating a pressure on the skin's surface, the cups will adhere to the body and creative an internal suction in the cup which to most people will feel relief immediately.
It’s great for lymphatic drainage, emotional distress, sore muscles, healing a wound nearby faster, and greater Qi and blood flow to the area of treatment.
Marks left from the cup varies in color depending on the areas affected and how severe the ailments are.
Cupping is also seen as a preventative way to
boost the immune system.
Cupping is not only used for sports injury and tight muscles, it helps with colds, coughs, and digestion. It is also used as a preventative method to boost the immune season.
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